Final Destination Fanfiction Wiki
Final Destination Fanfiction Wiki

All Fanfiction Death´s Lists are shows here, if any mistakes, please correct them.

Death´s Force
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
106 lives unnamed died in train 801 crash died
1. Michelle Wright drowned, burned and pinned down in bathtub died
2. Delia Waters snapped in half and shredded in plastic processing machine died
3. Delilah Stokes waist torn apart and shredded in plastic processing machine died
4.-14.- alot of people didn´t die yet unknown

since the story didn´t continue yet, it is uninished.

Final Destination 7
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
262. mostly unnamed died in school terrorist attack died
1. Carolyn Gallows Impaled through stomach by fire hydrant died
2. Britney Fan crushed by falling ceiling lamp died
3. Jacob Chun decapitated by bathroom stall door died
4. Courtney Cheung nearly bludgeoned by falling baseball bats skipped, saved by Josh
5. Daniel Francesco nearly electoructed by TV wires skipped, saved by Courtney and Abigail
6. Jonah Starling throat slit by bolt died
7. Mikey Moody crushed between cars died
8. Joseph Xie impaled through neck by shards of glass died
9. Abigail Matherson nearly impaled by metal beam skipped, saved by Daniel
10. Victoria Perry neck broken by wires and sliced in half by cymbal died
11. Cassandra Banks crushed by floor scrubbing machine died
4. Courtney Cheung electrocuted by power outlet and water died
5. Daniel Francesco Crushed by wreckling ball died
9. Abigail Matherson died

possibly the longest list yet, pretty cool though

Ending it all
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Rachel Lee fell two stories deep from balcony died
2. Noland Parker head shredded by electric saw died
3. Natalia Cortez decapitated by flying record died
4. Jeffrey Dickson fell ten stories deep from hotel window died
5. Darell Jones nearly crushed by garage door skipped, saved by Aaron
6. Lilian Anderson head crushed under car tire died
7. Nicole Gibson nearly split in two by falling pole skipped, saved by Darell
5. Darell Jones split in two by falling pole died
7. Nicole Gibson impaled through neck by flying glass shards died
8. Aaron Willows Cheated death somehow unknown

Why Aaron wasn´t after Nicole, why Darell and Nicole died out of order and how Aaron cheated death is unknown

The doomed Cruise
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
unknown Kris Callaway died on ship fire died
1, Zach Burman bludgeoned and crushed by falling satellite dish died
2. Jake Downing decapitated by exploding stove died
3. Rob Winters nearly impaled through eye by flying golf ball skipped, saved by Stacey
4. Stacey Fletcher obliderated by flying golf cart tire died
5. Joshua Rocket nearly bludgeoned by massive falling beer bottle skipped, saved by Kevin Fisher
6. Adie Chantal nearly drowned after car drove in lake skipped, saved by Wendy
7. Courtney Carvel hit and splattered by speeding ambulance died
3. Rob Winters Crushed by falling tree died
5, 6, and Kevin and Wendy Kevin, Wendy, Joshua, Adie none in this story cheated death, squel continues it

the sequel continues it

FD: System failure
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
79. unnamed people died in building collapse died
  • Ashley Parks
  • Brian Stells
  • Craig Laurance
  • Flare Neon
  • Michael Afton
  • James Williams
  • Smith Jawson
  • McKindy Ketchum
  • Roosevelt Pierson
none yet unknown

this one´s sadly not continued

Patient Zero
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Tammie Kaylee trips and impaled through head by knife sticking out of open dishwasher died
2. Alvin Moore crushed by falling pine tree died
3-9. alot of people story didnt continue yet unknown

only two deaths yet, i wish it´s continued though

Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Rodney killed by exploding water heater died
2. Lily nearly impaled by falling branch skipped, saved by Noah
3. Josh hit and splattered by speeding semi truck died
4. Noah died
5. Daniel Bates nearly died in car accident skipped, saved by Damien
6. Daniel´s sister fell from car and face ripped apart by street died
7. Jackie impaled by flying pipe died
2, 5, and 8. Lily, Daniel and Daminen book ends, deaths may occur in sequel unknown

pretty good

Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Rose impaled through neck by flying glass shard died
2. Pamela sliced in half between door and doorframe died
3. James nearly electrocuted by nokia while in water avoided death, as he stopped reaching for the phone
nearly drowned from overflowing sink skipped, saved by Sophia and Katie
4. Jonathan crushed between wall and tire by flying wheel died
5, 6, 3. James, Sophie and Katie nearly hit by speeding semi truck avoided death, killed a unnamed man instead
unknown unnamed man hit by semi truck died

this one is great 9/10

FD 6: Resurgence
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. James Orchard bleed to death after face was struck by flying debris from firecracker explosion died
2. Julia Richards accidentally hanged herself on noose died
3. Sheldon Morris shot by malfunctioning robot died
4. Lisa Holloway incinerated in gas station explosion died
5. Matthew Rushmore nearly crushed by falling light rig skipped, saved by Zachary, Ariel and Cody
6, 7, 8, 5, Matthew Rushmore, Cody Barnell, Zachary, Ariel unknown unknown
Lions Gate Bridge
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. John died on Lions Gate bridge collapse died
2. Taylor nearly burned alive in house fire skipped, saved by Lori
3. Lori decapitated by flying door died
4. Hannah run over by car died
at this point, a girl named Olivia gets another premonition, the old list was simply forgotten
1. Gary impaled through chest by pole after leg severed by malfunctioning elevator doors died
2. Terry impaled through neck by knife died
3. Harriet run over by truck died
4. Tim crushed between elevator and elevator shaft died
5. Derek impaled through face by crane hook died
3. Harris decapitated by falling bin lid died
6. Olivia bisected by plane wing died

this ones very weird. either its me or that half the story was deleted

FD 6: the worst fanfic
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Henry Harper nearly drowned in boiling, closed shower avoided death, as he managed to open to shower door in time
hit head and drowned in boiling water died
2. Jane Monroe poisoned by food poisoning died
3. Carly obliderated in laptop explosion died
4. Robin Lawton impaled through chest by knife died
5. Jessica Lawton hair and face burned by restaurant stove died
6. Ian bludgeoned by flying brick died
7. Katie impaled through chest by umbrella died
- Angelene wasn´t supposed to die after all alive
FD TV series
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Carrie bisected by flying metal sheet died
2. Garret fell 3 stories deep after being set on fire died
3. Henry head sliced in half by falling glass pane died
4. Stephanie scalped by fan died
5. Natalia burnt to death while trapped in room died
6. Barry fell off cliff while in car died
7. Jace neck broken after fell down stairs died
8. Polly impaled by flying pole died
9. Autumn hit and splattered by speeding car died
10? Paul nearly impaled by falling poles skipped, saved by Daniela
11? Daniela none yet alive
No way back
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Phoebe hit in the head by flying rock died
2. Paul crushed by falling billboard died
3. George shot by Alicia died
4. Dahlia unknown skipped, saved by unnamed person
5. Felix nearly drowned in pool skipped, saved by Jake
6. Kelly decapitated by katana died
7. Jake nearly incinerated in gas station explosion skipped, saved by Alicia
8. Amanda
9. Alicia died in motorcycle accident died
4. Dahlia nearly fell off bridge skipped, saved by Jake
5. Felix incinerated in car explosion died
7. Jake killed in casino collapse died
8. Amanda died
4. Deliah died in russian roulette died
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1, Ellie Rhythbeer dismembered by WOWPOP died
2. Alex Berry suffocated on gas while trapped in a room died
3, Ringo Mayford hit and splattered by speeding ice cream truck died
4. Katie died in car crash died
5. Janine Drewer impaled by pole died
6. Nikki Ma impaled by spear died
7. Gino Landgrove burned alive died
8. Maxwell Chipper died
9. Timothy Bludworth shot by flying rock died
10. Kage Berry run over by truck died
11. Dennis Printon killed by truck tire died
12. Ally McKee unknown unknown
Rollercoaster Madness
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Katie head obliderated by flying rollercoaster wheel died
2. John burned alive by boiling water in shower died
3. Tori impaled by sharp ended pole died
4. Symone head sliced by falling fan died
5. Paul nearly hit and splattered by speeding truck skipped, saved by Ethan
7. Ethan hit and splattered by speeding truck died
6. Steve hit and splattered by speeding Van died
8. Kayley crushed by falling tree died
9. Kari impaled through eye by camera died
5. Paul impaled through mouth by falling knife died
Death´s Agenda
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Patrick nearly crushed by falling spotlight skipped, saved by Logan
2. Jacob burned to death by lit gasoline died
3. Ashley decapitated by bus doors died
4. Austin split in half by log cutter died
5. Levi crushed by falling tree died
6. Bodhi accidentally shot himself with gun died
7. David nearly incinerated in basement explosion skipped, saved by Patrick
8. Vince Merello shot with gun by Michelle died
9. Michelle nearly shot by Vince skipped, saved by Logan
1, 7, 9, Patrick, David, Michelle, nearly burned in club fire avoided death, saved themselves
1. Patrick crushed by falling sign died

this is the best story so far, all makes sense, little to no mistakes. perfect!

Around death´s corner
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Dr. Penny Maclome decapiatated by flying boom gate died
2. Cole Rivers impaled on sterring wheel died
3. Paige Rivers impaled on star picket died
4. Tracey Young fell out window and to her death died
5. Trixie Newbert "arm torn off by elevator and sucked out building" died
6. Jim Olman fell from building and to his death died
7. Margret Pastel fried by power line died
8. Ernie Pastel died
9. Jacinta White nearly impaled by pole avoided death, as she "flew" towards a arrow
impaled by arrow died
10. Zara Maylene set on fire by exploding slushee machine died
11. Kay Mackenzie nearly incinerated by firework skipped, saved by Lucy
12. Miles Molleser killed in boat explosion died
13. Josh Molleser bludgeoned by flying goblet died
14. Abbye White nearly crushed by falling tree skipped, saved by Steven
15. Rob Halmen skipped, saved by Lucy
11. Kay Mackenzie crushed by falling tree died
16. Steven Tate nearly hit by pieces of exploing computer skipped, saved themselves
17. Lucy Halmen
15. Rob Halmen crushed by falling shelf and anvil died
14, 16, 17 Lucy Halmen, Steven Ttae, Abbye White unknown unknown
The new rules
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Heather stabbed in neck by falling hedge trimmer died
2-20 Chelsea, Kahill, Caleb, Meagan, Savannah, Alexander, Kate, Kyle, Kimoka, Randy, Jeremy, Patrick, Gino, Rebecca, Anna, Erica, Brock, Michelle, Piper, unknown unknown
The Lift of Death
Placement Name Cause of death Fate
1. Aaron crushed by bus died
2. Rick run over by pickup truck died
3. Jeffrey run over by pickup truck and incinerated in lift explosion died
4. Lilly impaled by metal bar slipped and fell out of apartment died
5. Robin impaled through face by flying glass shards died
6. Elaine nearly impaled by pitchfork slkipped, saved by Thomas and Lisette
7. Kim crushed by falling sign died
8. Justin impaled through entire body by flying metal bars died
6. Elanie crushed by falling pillar died
9. Anton throat slit by flying glass shard died
10. Thomas mutilated by ship engine died