Season 1[]
Daniella( Main Character) Has a Premonition of a Bridge Collapse and is able to save a few of her friends.
Daniella: Brunette with a calm and gentle personality.
Alexia: Daniella’s only friend and has a very energetic personality.
Ryan: Blonde Hair with a tired and confused personality.
Peter: a very nice and chill guy with Black Hair.
Paula: Brunette with a deep and mysterious personality.
Davis: Black Haired with a Cranky and irritated personality.
Jessica: Ginger Haired with a sarcastic and Joking personality and Paula’s Best Friend.
Autumn: Brunette with a quiet and sweet personality.
Polly: A Red Head with a caring and worried personality and one of Autumn’s Best Friends.
Paula: Sliced in half by a metal Sheet.
Peter: Set on fire and fell two stories of a balcony.
Jessica: Hair caught in Fan and shredded.
Ryan: Head sliced in half by glass.
Alexia: Impaled by a pole.
Polly: Fry Pan lodged in her mouth.